Today Maggie looked close to crawling. It has been five and a half short months. She has made some recent discoveries. She recognizes her name by turning to look at you when you say Maggie. She wants to put everything in her mouth, including her toes. She pulls toward any solid foods that Mom or Dad are eating, she really wants to eat something more solid than milk but we are still holding out. She continues to love the outdoors. She can be in the middle of a piercing scream but the instant she steps over the threshold outside, she is calm as a stary night. She sleeps from 8pm to 5am, with a sleepy feeding around 10pm. She loves to be talked to and held. She is developing coordination in her hands. She can hold her own bottle and can pick her pacifier up and put it in her mouth. She smiley more and has more reactions, which makes parenting that much more rewarding.
5 1/2 months have flown by!
ReplyDeleteThat is so funny that Maggie is instantly calm whenever you take her outside. My kids were like that!
ReplyDeleteThat picture is so cute. It just shows how much older she is. I loved getting to see her this weekend. Sorry I didn't get to hold her as much, but man I love her!! I can hardly believe how big these babies are getting. The time has gone so quickly. I love that she is happier and so fun and responsive. I sure do love you Maggie! - Love Aunt Tasha
ReplyDeleteyeah! You posted a pic just like I requested :)
ReplyDeleteShe is adorable and it sounds like she is a good little girl. Hope the camping was fun!
What a fun age! I remember when Weston was 6 months all of a sudden he was such a fun, cute baby instead of a needy lump (I still loved the needy lump, but you know . . .). I am way impressed that she can hold her own bottle already! That's skill! Glad that she is doing so well.
ReplyDeleteMaggie is so cute! We only have boys and I think girls are such a blessing! It goes by so fast, enjoy every minute!
ReplyDeleteSo Sweet!!!!