Here is me with my doctor, Dr. Harter, who delivered Maggie. I was so grateful for him. I had been in labor for 12 hours before I had to start pushing. I pushed for 2 hours before she came. Labor was a walk in the park compared to the delivery. It was pretty intense. Stanford was a saint who coached me through as well as 3 RN's and a student nurse. My doctor said I had quite the cheering squad.

Here are a few more pictures taken from the hospital.

Stanford's sister Michelle came out for the few days I was in the hospital

Maggie in her going home from the hospital outfit. Note the bow my sister Tasha made and the socks my mother knitted.

The day after Maggie came home from the hospital she was put on a bili blanket for her jaundice. You can't actually see the blanket because it's underneath her back, but you can see the big contraption she was hooked up to that we had to keep her on for 5 days.

My mother was wonderful and came out to help for an entire week! She's gone now and we really miss her!!
Bath #2 ... Stanford missed the photo op for her first bath so he helped us capture her second one.

First walk with mom, dad, and grandma

And I couldn't help but add this picture of her feet! So cute!
congratulations to your new born babby!, hishing you the best!, God Bless!.....
ReplyDeleteummm... who is gillicious???? I think your new "babby" is beautiful! I love the picture of the little feet too. Baby toes are the best :)
ReplyDeleteShe is so sweet, it brought tears to my eyes. I have a little package for you, but I sent it to your old address on accident, so it came back. I'll work on sending it out this week. (I meant to send it with my mom, but of course, forgot. I like to do things the hard way!)
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that you posted more pictures, I have been checking. She is a doll Sara, I am so happy for you. Motherhood seems to be fitting you like a glove.
ReplyDeleteCould you email me your address? I wanted to send somethings.
All my love
Sara~ She is so sweet and I think she looks just like you! I hope your first few weeks at home are going ok and you are staying in your pajamas with nothing to do but bond with sweet little maggie!
ReplyDeleteLove to all 3 of you!
She is so beautiful. I loved all the pictures. Isn't it just wonderful having your mother there for the first little bit? I am so glad that my mom always does that for me. I didn't know they had a blanket you could do the uv lights with. That is way better than a naked baby in a tanning bed. :) Glad she is is doing well. You look great too! Love ya!
ReplyDeletePS-I was wondering if you will be coming up to Provo for any baseball games this season? Let me know:
she looks so healthy from the get-go. i love 'em that way (they're just a pain to get out). happy mothering!
ReplyDeleteSuch cute pictures. I wish we could see her in person. We will have to see you for sure when we come in April. I am glad that you have had some help. Talk to you soon.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh I want to hold her sooo bad! (I even started tearing up during it.) There are so many pictures in there I just love. Love love love. She is just so beautiful Sara and Stanford. So darling. I love the ones in the hospital and love seeing Mom with her and oh that feet one at the end is a favorite of mine too. i love feet pictures. She is one lucky girl to have a Dad that is always taking pictures. I cannot wait to see her in person and hold and start spoiling her some more. I already cannot wait to make and buy her more things. Silly . . .but SO true. I love you guys! (PS I cannot wait for a Chase Maggie picture too. And then in June to get a Chase, Maggie, and Baby Christiansen picture! Happy thoughts!! :) )
ReplyDeleteCould she get any cuter? Seriously, she is a little doll. I CAN"T WAIT to see her (and you)this weekend! If you aren't coming to CA, we'll for sure stop coming or going to meet miss maggie
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see her this weekend at Tasha's!! She reminds me of you when you were a baby. That really takes me back. She is so sweet and precious. You must be in heaven!! See you Sunday!
ReplyDeleteUmm, that would be from Aunt Betsy, I'm just so used to sending notes to my kid's blogs that I was on autopilot. Sorry!!