Oh how I love this girl! She is almost 17 months and a whopping 30+ lbs! She loves to be out in the Las Vegas heat, more so than her mom and dad. The minute the front door opens she bolts towards it and is out picking up rocks (and throwing them), looking at the plants, and jibber-jabbering about the world in front of her. She loves to go to the park in the mornings and would rather explore her surroundings than play on the equipment. It's rare that she'll let us hold her for more than a few minutes.
This little girl knows what she wants & if she doesn't get it - oh watch out! She has mastered the art of throwing a fit. Sometimes I wonder if the terrible twos have joined us a bit early.
What I love best about Maggie is how happy she is. She laughs and giggles and will just look at you and smile. She will sit on the floor and pull up a book and "read" through it and laugh and point and move on to the next page and do it again. She also loves to sing. Whenever there is music on the radio or Stanford and I start singing, she joins right in. I love it!
It is fun to watch her learn and grow. She is one independent girl. I can't wait for her Uncle Chad to come home from his mission this week and meet her!