Friday, April 19, 2013

A day trip worth a million dollars

These pictures do very little to describe how much I love Sara today. We had had some discussion about driving up to Zion for the day.  The drive is over three hours and then a long steep hike with the kids and a shuttle ride and then the long drive home, these were only a few of things stacked against today.  The biggest hurdle was that the plans were last minute.  It is the kind of plans that Sara dislikes most.  I rescheduled my architecture licensing exam last minute, which freed up the day. And even though it seemed like a horrible idea from the beginning, I desperately wanted to go.   I hate missing an adventure.

When I rolled out of bed, I knew my Mom and sister would be hiking Angels Landing in few hours. I text my sister, and true to her word she had left Salt Lake City at 5am.  Sara had convinced me this was a bad idea but as I got dressed, I grabbed my hiking shoes, which is the first thing Sara noticed when I walked into the kitchen.  She had her running shoes on and was ready to leave for a long run, important preparations for her half marathon, which was only few weeks away.  I said, I think I might take the kids to Zion.  Sara was silent and left the room.  In few minutes she returned with her hiking boots and said, "I am not letting you go by yourself."  And off we went.  Yes, it was a long drive.  Yes, the kids were crazy.  Yes, we left the house a disaster but I wouldn't have traded today for a million dollars.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I love you both. I love that you support each other in the things that you love. Sara is pretty awesome. You got some gorgeous shots! Someday we are going to adventure in Zions too. Hopefully you will be doing it with us too :) Love you guys! Glad you got to participate in this fun adventure with your family.
