Monday, February 7, 2011

Premiere: Behind the Motel Curtain

The family traveled up to Cedar city for Ginny's baby blessing.  We made a little film while waiting around.  It doesn't get much better than this.


  1. Davin got a major kick out of this. He was cracking up. My favorite was the credits. Love you Torgerson's!

  2. LOL!!! You guys are so fun! Great editing, Stanford. And I think Tanner, Brayden and Maggie are pretty lucky to have such fun aunts and uncles!!!!

  3. That was great!! You are seriously the best. Brayden and Chase want to see it again and again. I just laughed my way through it over and over and over again.

  4. What a riot!! It made me sad we missed out on the motel action while you were all here!!
